Tummy tuck
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Operation: This procedure utilizes a high-speed rotary wheel to scrape the top layers of the skin. This results in the softening of the sharp edges of surface irregularities such as acne, scars, and fine wrinkles around the mouth area.
Operation Time (estimate): It takes from a few minutes to 1 hour and may require more than 1 session.
Anesthesia/Pain Control: Depending on areas treated a local, numbing spray, or general anesthesia may be applied.
Location: This is usually an outpatient procedure.
Side effects (Possible): Patients may experience temporary tingling, burning, itching, swelling, redness, or lightening of treated skin. There may also be acute sensitivity to sun and the loss of ability to make pigment (tan).
Complications (Possible): Possible complications may arise, such as infection, scarring, fever blisters, cold sores, flare-up of skin allergies, tiny whiteheads that are temporary, and abnormal color changes that may be permanent.
Downtime: Patients may go back to work in 2 weeks and participate in more strenuous activities in 4 to 6 weeks. It takes about 3 months for redness to fade and 6 to 12 months for pigmentation to return
Duration of Results: Results are permanent although new wrinkles may form as skin ages.

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